A guided hour-long intuitive arts process that connects you intimately with your present, your unfolding future, and cyclical patterns that are ready for your attention.

MOR takes your past annual experiences, because the past goes into how we interpret our present, and brings it into a dynamic form of play where you weave in the evolution of your Soul expression.

Like all practices I offer it is in service to nurturance. Nurturing life-force.

Empowering you to see repetitive themes that play out in both your inner and outer landscapes, this process is both grounding and visionary.

Supplies Needed:
- a blank page, 8 x 11 or larger
-colours like pencil crayons, pastel, or watercolors
-creature comforts

12 min video introductory embodiment practice
1 hour video guided Map of Rhythms process
visual prompts